*This product has reached end of life, but is still being supported. Reach out to a customer representative for more information and replacement products.*
The Furuno CH250BB Sonar is the sport fisherman’s dream machine, designed for boats 40 feet and up. This high-performance searchlight sonar displays fish and underwater objects on the user’s choice of compatible display. It has the ability to rapidly scan a full 360 degrees around the boat or just specified sectors. The Sonar transmits a full 1,200 Watt (RMS) power output. The CH250BB is a “Black Box” unit, which gives you the flexibility to utilize almost any CRT or LCD flat panel display or arrange for a second station remote display. It is capable of showing 8- or 16-color targets including white, with a selectable day or night color pallete. With Audio Target Detection, continuous visual watch is not necessary (optional speaker required).
The soundome provides a 6.5 degree x 6.5 degree beam angle and 1 degree tilt angle steps from +5 to -90 degrees. When speed data is provided, automatic retraction of the soundome at speeds of 5 to 15 knots can be enabled. The system comes standard with an MS100 motion sensor (clinometer) for 360 degree stabilization of sonar image.
There are eight operational modes to choose from. Full circle scan helps to detect fish schools at any bearing, all around the vessel. Vertical slice mode gives you a fore and aft, surface to surface, expanded view of fish school distribution on the selected bearing. The combination full circle/vertical slice mode finds fish targets and bottom structure all around the vessel, with a vertical slice display at the same time. You can set it for a depth sounder mode, which has a tilt and train capability for forward or side looking. It is even stabilized against the boats motion. Full Circle with Video Plotter displays your ship’s track with respect to the sonar sounding area – an unrivaled feature for purse seining. A unique Cross-Section mode let’s you instantly view the vertical plane in a specified direction, useful for evaluating the concentration and location of fish schools, or as an aid to navigation.